Past Projects

Established in 1994, OKACOM's work is advisory in nature, guided through meetings of the Commission and the Okavango Basin Steering Committee and informed by the technical advice of its task forces and special advisors. Through the support of International Cooperation Partners the Commision has implemented several projects for the sustainable management of the Basin.

In recognition of the commitment of OKACOM in managing the Cubango-Okavango River Basin, USAID/Southern Africa supported the Commission's institutional development through the Okavango Integrated River Basin Management Project (IRBM), a four year, US$8.3 million initiative. OKACOM and its technical advisory body, the Okavango Basin Steering Committee (OBSC), implemented the project in collaboration with government ministries, active non-governmental organizations in the basin, communities, regional academic and research institutions, businesses and local governments that use and manage the resources in the Okavango River Basin. The Project supported institutional strengthening of OKACOM and the establishment of the Secretariat, management of biodiversity and rural resources and, participatory community governance in river basin resources.

The Project comprised of four components which included (1) organizations’ ability to manage river basin resources enhanced; (2) information systems for biodiversity and natural resource management improved, (3) community management and local governance of natural resources enhanced, and (4) special projects and SADC Water Division supported. These four distinct but interrelated components all focused on improving integrated river basin management in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. ARD, Inc. managed the IRBM contract for USAID Southern Africa.

The IRBM project supported sustainable development activities in the Cubango-Okavango river basin as well as providing interim secretariat services to OKACOM.

The final report of the project was released in late 2009. USAID initiated a follow-on project, SAREP, in 2010.

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Photo Credit: Kostatin Luchansky, National Geographic, Okavango Wilderness Project.